Basic UltraLight Motorized welcome to the world of low-budget flying
Again ...another plan available from VULA (Vintage Ultralight and Lightplane Association), who wants to preserve some of the old classics. I think that you found out by now that VULA also thinks that airplanes tare too expensive these days.
The Skypup is interesting in its construction. Foam, foam, foam and some wood. But still very strong.
The Skypup is best described as:
- Construction of the Sky Pup is wood and foam, fabric covered.
- It was specifically designed to be built:
from low-cost
easy to find materials
and for builders to be able to successfully complete in a typical home shop.
- The plane easily meets the US ultralight requirements
- Can be powered with any engine in the 15 to 20 HP range.

A finished project.
(permission granted to use this picture by Scott Perkins of VULA)

A non-covered project.
All that is white is foam, all the is brown is wood.
(permission granted to use this picture by Scott Perkins of VULA)

Hmmm, feels like flying ... even though some wires are still not connected.
(permission granted to use this picture by Scott Perkins of VULA)

The wings of the Skypup can be dismounted for easier transport.
(permission granted to use this picture by Scott Perkins of VULA)
- Span: 9,45 m (31 ft)
- Length: 4,85 m (15' 11")
- Empty weight: 195 lbs
- Gross weight: 400 lbs
- Cruise speed: 88,5 km/h (55 mph)
- Vne: 111 km/h (69 mph) (speed not to exceed)
- Stall speed: 40 km/h (25 mph)
- Engine: Rotax 277
- Seats: 1
Here you are guided by a Skypup builder where to get the plans: