Basic UltraLight Motorized welcome to the world of low-budget flying

Thanks to a contact I got word of this BULM. The E-12 has a totally open cockpit. The main-frame is a construction out of tubes. It gives the impression that it is a kind of kit like "put part A in part B". That easy. But it is just a guess.

The pictures show two versions. One has cables to support the wings, another shows tubes as struts. I am not sure which one is the kit they sell.
The picture at the top shows that the steeringstick is hanging from the wing downwards. Weird? Yes. Bad? No, the Mitchell Wing B-10 has that kind of control already for yeeeeaars.
One thing really caught me eye. In the site they talk about a comparison with the Cri-Cri. I know that the Cri-Cri is not a beginners airplane. It is too fast. Looking at the small wing area, I guess this airplane is not that slow too in landings.
Empty weight of 46-48 kg! I can carry that on my shoulder! Euh ... just need to find a good balance on my shoulder.

Characteristics of aircraft E -12n
- (for pilots with weight above 80 kGs recommended engines are Hirth F-33 European manufactorer (28 h.p.), or from from American Hirth Dealer, or Simonini Mini-2Plus (28 h.p.). Maximum take-off weight 160 kGs).

- Engine Raket-120 Aero (better perfomance can be achieved with Simonini Mini-4)
- Redrive and muffler are regular R-120A
- Length of fuselage, mm 4450
- Wingspan , mm 6500
- Wingload, kg/sq.m 23-27
- Wing area, square meter 5,38 (variants up to 5.8)
- Max. takeoff weight, kg 140 (variants up to 160)
- Empty weight , kg 45-48(up to 65 kGs with other engines)
- Pilot`s weight, kg 65-90 (up to 95)
- Engine power, hp.14,2
- Propeller diameter, mm 1280
- Propeller thrust, static- 45 kg-at speed V=83 km/h -33 kgFuel tank - 6 l
- Fuel consumption -4 l per 100 km
- Take-off speed, km/h 65
- Landing speed, km/h 62
- Stalling speed, km/h -59
- Cruising speed, km/h -80-90Vne, km/h -140
- Max. speed, km/h -100Rate of climb, m/s(within weight of the pilot 65-90kg) - 3,2 -2,2
- Permissible wind - 8m/s
- Take-off run - 60-90m m
- Service ceiling 2500 m (7500 ft
- Thrust-weight ratio- weight/kg at thrust/kg in the climb within MTOW 120kg of ------3.63 kg/kg
- Thrust-weight ratio within MTOW 140kg - 4.52kg/kg (some 25% worse).For the comparison Cri-Cri does have 4,47 kg/kg(as much as E -12 with MTOW 140 kg)!
- The steady-state (static) stability:Ahs=0,37"
- Bvs=0,04
- Maneuverability, the coefficient of lateral stability Mx=0.0115.
- These figures are sufficient for the nonmaneuverable aircraft. (maneuverable aircraft for the aerobatics).
- Wing airfoil --------------- P-III-18%.
- Wing chord ------------ 880 mm
- Area of the aileron of ----------- 0,2 sq.m.
- Aileron span -------------- 980mm
- Aileron chord ---------------- 210 mm
- CG at ---------- 26% (229mm from the leading edge of an airfoil profile)
- Permissible centering of ----- 22% - 29%.
- Change in the centering with the pilot of 60kg and 90kg of ----- 0,4%.
- Horizontal stabilizer span ----- 1500 mm
- HS chord ----- 500mm
- HS airfoil -------- symmetrical 6% thikness, simplified
- HS area -------- 0.75 sq.m.
- VS area -------- 0.52 sq.m.
- Angles of deflection for controls VS and HS ----- 20° (upward and downward)
- Aileron angles, downward 17° (+_2)upward 22° (+ -2)Motion of the main gear spring with load change from 0 to max. calculated..- 150 mm
- Calculated vertical impact velocity by chassis -2,2 m/s
- Operational overloads of aircraft - +4 g -(-2,5) g
- Balance data and units weight are cited in the CG (Center of Gravity) balance table.
- Chassis of aircraft and relatively low take-off speed makes it possible to operate the aircraftfrom ground runways, namely from the usual clearings and grass fields, where the height of the vegetation does not exceed 200mm.

More pictures at: http://e12n.narod.ru/e12foto.html