
Flying Wing Designer

A tool to create your own Flying Wing model + a few plans of Marko's RC models

This is for the persons who want to make a flying RC model and are already a bit deeper into the knowledge of flying wings. But ...if you are a starter, feel free to try it too.

Marko Stamenovic is the creator of this tool. He is a Serbian aeronautical engineer. I am just proud to be able to say he is a friend.Marko Stamenovic made a Excell file which is a true help if you want to design your own flying wing using swept wings without winglets.

He says: "Guys, I am preparing excel tool for designing Horten style flying wings. It starts with defining planform, then calculates neutral point and CG for desired SM. Then you enter coordinates, Cm and zero lift angle for root and tip airfoils, it interpolates all airfoil sections between, calculates needed twist using LLT (you can also input twist data from other software, LLT is limited to only small sweep angles) and calculates trimmed Cl with chosen SM. It gives you bunch of data: geometry, Re numbers for min, cruise and max speed(guesstimated)... At the end you get coordinates for all airfoil sections. You can also choose chord point around which twist is done. You can copy airfoil coordinates to dat/txt files and import that in CAD software. Then you just loft profiles and you have one side of the wing done without all the hassle of doing complex twist in CAD. I am finsihing it and trying to make it as simple as possible to use."

Elliptic and Bell Shaped Lift Distribution (BSLD)

He mentioned me it can be used for elliptical lift distribution, buuuut ...also for the bell shaped lift distribution or BSLD that is so know in the Horten designs.


In a loft you can see all the ribs together. You can see the curve of the wing. Ain't it beautiful?

In the same figure (at the bottom) you see how the twist is set for each location. If you see a curve, you have non-linear twist. Is it a line, you have linear twist.

More data





Программа для расчета летающих крыльев

(thanks Sergey Fedulov for the translation)



Marko Stamenovic: "Here is new small excel tool. This one can be used to create airfoils in the same way Horten brother did. You can choose thickness and chamber and then you get coordinates that you can paste into dat file and open with XFoil or XFLR5. (remember to change commas to dots first) Airfoil created with it should have zero Cm0. Thanks Norman Masters for sharing the link from HBA forum."

Click picture to get the Excell-file or click link below to get the exe-file.



Click here to get the Exe-file.




Parabell is modified version of Flying Wing Designer that enables you to make flying wings with planform that have both leading and trailing edges made in parabolic shape. Horten brothers had one parabolic glider made but unfortunately it never flew. Since then a lot of RC models have been made in similar shape.

Parabell excel file will hopefully make process of designing this unique shape a little bit easier. Parabell works in similar manner as FWD, but it is somewhat different. It should be a little simpler and easier to use. Just follow the instructions in the excel file.

Again, the main purpose of the file is to give you an easy way to get airfoil cross sections imported in CAD software. It is highly recommended that you use some VLM program to correct twist calculated in excel file. In excel twist is calculated using Lifting Line Theory which doesn't give correct values for highly swept wings.

Keep in mind that this is intended for designing RC models and not full scale airplanes.

You can find it here.


Marko's RC model plans

Flying Plank V1

Just click the picture to download this design which has a BSLD wing.

Flying Plank V3

Edition 1:

Hi guys, I designed FVT V3, a small plank for ridge soaring. Actually the idea was to have something that can soar on tree lines and relatively small obstacles. It was planed to have it slow so you can hover and keep model in small areas of lift.
Since I absolutely can't find time for it I would like to share the design with anyone who wants to build it. Keep in mind that it is highly experimental and I can't guarantee flight characteristics!
Span is just 1.15m. I have DXF files for laser cutting. All parts are 90deg to each other so they should fit like Lego. Cover it with thin balsa sheet, or partly with balsa and partly with film. In that case you might want to trim some ribs for balsa thickness.
I don't have time to do plans, but parts should be self explanatory. Might post more snapshots and I can also give you step files for whole model. 

 Andy Whitehead made a flying model of these plans and it had dutch roll. Too much dihedral. Marko will adjust the plans and i will share it again here. So for now ... no plans of this model. But Edition 2 flies well and you can get a kit of it. So read on.

The CG is at 82mm behind the nose.

Edition 2:

if flies and it flies gooooooood. You can get the kit to build it here: https://www.angelwingdesigns.co.uk/products/fvt3-pre-order?variant=32918865281117




Another nice example of how to use Flying Wing Designer

Andy Smith placed this project on the facebook group named Horten Flying Wing Believers.

It caught my attention and i asked how he designed it.

I recognized the work of Marko. I asked how he used the tool to get to the real stuff and he mentioned he used Rhino. 

"I have made a export routine out of the spreadsheet that feeds directly into Rhino. Then with a bit of CAD work you have the laser cut files"


I used =CONCATENATE to produce a Rhino input marco string for each foil station. See picture below. I then created a new TAB to combine the foils as a large marco to be copied and pasted directly into the Rhino Command line. Final picture shows the foils in Rhino."

Thanks Andy Smith for mentioning how you did it. I hope it helps the other users in their own experiments in BSLD-wings.